Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 5.07 kB
Size 768x768
I'm curious to know what this batch submission is going to do to the rarities. This is essentially a 'stream of conscioiusness' collection to create an interesting whitelist for another collection. Rarities will be a lot more thought out in the 10,000 piece collection called Towers.
background pattern Stamp 7.43%
code snippet for i in {22..30}; do cp 21.json "$i.json"; done 2.39%
color palette Microsoft Paint 13.26%
dimensions 768x768 89.12%
drawing instrument mouse 7.69%
pixels 32x32 26.79%
raster graphics editor Microsoft Paint 19.89%

Total Rarity Score: 85.77

Rarity: #301/

Proto Tower 29

Collection: Proto Towers

Minted a year ago by stars1wt..79uf. Currently owned by monetsupply.stars.

Showing 21-20 of 20