Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 6.45 kB
Size 768x768
This is the second in a series of three Proto Towers, with sequentially smaller canvas sizes. Thematically similar, each piece demonstrates the various creative decisions that arise with the constraint of fewer and fewer pixels. Also, all three pieces were constrained by 4-color palette, with the intent to further enhance cohesiveness across the series. Last, these were drawn with a sort of 'speed digital painting' approach, with zero planning and 100% concentration for a short duration. Each of these pieces was recorded, and timelapses of the drawings have been created.
background pattern Stars 1.59%
code snippet python3 23.87%
collab artist n/a 60.48%
collab collection n/a 61.27%
color palette EN4 1.06%
deployment type Series 6.9%
dimensions 768x768 89.12%
discovered a 🪲 No 13.26%
drawing instrument Houion Graphics Tablet 3.18%
file format Portable Network Graphic 23.61%
live stream No 39.52%
number of frames 1 23.61%
pixels 64x64 20.16%
pricing model Version 0.04 1.86%
raster graphics editor Aseprite 47.48%
recorded Yes 7.16%
time in minutes 8 1.86%
time of deployment 🏙️ 17.77%
vibe Otherworldly Night Desert 0.8%
viewers of livestream n/a 7.96%

Total Rarity Score: 502.74

Rarity: #208/

Proto Tower 363

Collection: Proto Towers

Minted 10 months ago by flarnrules.stars. Currently owned by michoady.stars.