Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 4.47 kB
Size 768x768
This is a Standard deployment, which comes in batches of 5. Sometimes the batches have themes, other times they are just random pulled from what's in my head at the time. Standard deployments have the same dimensions for each piece in the deployment.
background pattern Sky 7.16%
code snippet for i in {76..80}; do cp template.json "$i.json"; done 0.8%
color palette Default 17.77%
deployment type Standard 14.06%
dimensions 768x768 89.12%
drawing instrument Digital Pen 27.32%
pixels 16x16 14.85%
raster graphics editor Aesprite 18.57%
recorded No 69.23%

Total Rarity Score: 170.71

Rarity: #275/

Proto Tower 78

Collection: Proto Towers

Minted a year ago by stars1wt..79uf. Currently owned by monetsupply.stars.

Showing 41-21 of 21