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Part of the crew - part of the ship
achievements Best at healing 0.09%
allies Other amphibians 0.18%
character Curious 3.87%
class Amphibia 2.97%
diet Carnivore 31.5%
drunkard Gin 0.36%
enemies Fish 0.45%
family Ambystomatidae 0.27%
favorite weapon No 1.44%
habitat Lakes 0.36%
invisible treasure Silver gills 0.18%
lifestyle 1 Nocturnal 16.65%
lifestyle 2 Solitary 29.97%
magic ability Water manipulation 16.47%
order Caudata 0.27%
personality trait Playful 7.38%
phobia Bright lights 33.21%
profession Healer 0.18%
secret Knows hidden caves 0.72%
ship HMS Terror 29.43%
size Small 38.79%
skill 1 Regeneration 0.27%
skill 2 Swimming 6.66%
smoker No 88.12%
strength Regeneration 0.18%
type Amphibian 2.97%
unique trait External gills 0.09%
weakness Size 63.46%

Total Rarity Score: 6693.03

Rarity: #20/1111

Axolotl #194

Collection: Expedition

Minted 8 months ago by stars1pp..r8nc. Currently owned by lookus.stars.

Showing 21-40 of 82