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Content-Length 2.01 MB
Size 5400x6300
Salamangkeros are shamanists that can practice any of the magic they're most attuned to for a variety of surface-level applications.
Advantage (Attack) Futuristic, Underworld, Multiverse 9.3%
Agility 48 0.4%
Charisma 40 4%
CLASS Salamangkeros 5%
Dexterity 42 3.8%
Intelligence 47 2.4%
Strength 40 3%
TITLE Paladin 1.6%
Vitality 38 4.2%
Weakness (Defense) Food, Multiverse 9.3%
Z-Affinity 47 1.6%

Total Rarity Score: 577.38

Rarity: #128/1000

Z-Hunter #125, Salamangkero

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 2 years ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by stars144..lxc2.

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