Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 1.26 MB
Size 5400x6300
Much has happened between the known world of Yutaan and Alawan before the paths were severed in order to protect the world and fantastical inhabitants. and hoomans were left to grapple with a magic-less existence. But despite this, Yutaan still experiences fragments of the magic and glimpses of the fantastical creatures in Alawan enough to create new but not completely accurate folktales of these creatures. These literatures have inspired generations of hoomans enough that certain powerful players have invested generous resources to find the way back into Alawan to experience the magic again. Some are lucky to accidentally fall into the cracks between worlds regardless of socioeconomic standing, but they are all just as determined to make the most out of the opportunity to escape and become great.
Advantage (Attack) NONE 2.8%
Agility 14 3.5%
Charisma 40 4%
CLASS Hoomans 3%
Dexterity 37 9.9%
Intelligence 45 2.2%
Strength 17 0.7%
TITLE Merchant 8%
Vitality 22 2.7%
Weakness (Defense) ALL 5.3%
Z-Affinity 16 3.5%

Total Rarity Score: 436.53

Rarity: #238/1000

Z-Hunter #272, Hooman

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 2 years ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by blackromi.stars.

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