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The bane of many a small town, the Manananggal is a winged, vampire-like creature defined by its distinct, sophisticated hunting technique.
Advantage (Attack) Fire, Water, Multiverse 10%
Agility 36 0.8%
Charisma 25 2.9%
CLASS Elementals: Manananggal 2%
Dexterity 31 2.7%
Intelligence 38 3.1%
Strength 30 5.3%
TITLE Warrior 10%
Vitality 24 4.4%
Weakness (Defense) Earth, Futuristic, Underworld, Multiverse 10%
Z-Affinity 28 3.8%

Total Rarity Score: 386.69

Rarity: #321/1000

Z-Hunter #673, Elemental: Manananggal

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 2 years ago by stars1ax..us5u. Currently owned by mikku.stars.

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