Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 681.74 kB
Size 1000x1000
A 1111 3D NFT Collection of IBC Robo Punks
Background purple 13.77%
Head Accessories gray berret 8.46%
Lower Face medical mask 16.56%
Pants black Pants 26.46%
Pet none 91.45%
Race black 31.05%
Shoes blue Shoes 18.18%
Top none 47.43%
Upper Face black round glasses 12.96%

Total Rarity Score: 48.53

Rarity: #726/1111

IBC Robo Punk #40

Collection: IBC Robo Punks

Minted 2 years ago by robopunks.stars. Currently owned by stars15w..mw0j.

Showing 21-30 of 30