Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 1.77 MB
Size 1000x1000
Apocalyptic events forced us to look into the Cosmos but in our voyage we got infected. This collection is a salute to all the cosmonauts still here no matter our individual struggles. To hell and back but still standing. NFT holders will receive a 2022 UndeadCosmonauts Horror Poster and WL to future collections. @UndeadCsmnts
chain akash 12.33%
cosmonaut grissom 2.33%
location borealis 6.67%
suit atl 11%

Total Rarity Score: 75.06

Rarity: #24/300

Undead Cosmonauts #172

Collection: Undead Cosmonauts

Minted 2 weeks ago by stars15y..5muz. Currently owned by stars1q7..ar4r.