Content-Type image/gif
Content-Length 37.13 MB
Size 768x768
Dogs were overjoyed with the abundance of sticks to play with and endless fields to run through. Sketchleaf Forest, a mystical woodland where each leaf and branch is a masterstroke of nature's own sketch.
Accessory blue sunglasses 0.87%
Background Sketchleaf Forest 19.71%
Bonk Power 34 5.96%
Chonk Level 25 56.76%
Fluffitude 25 47.3%
Health 147 1.19%
Munch Power 39 3.34%
Pet Demeanor cool 0.64%
Pet Type dog 38.95%
Snoofability 25 74.4%
Snugglability 25 9.14%
Whisker Wisdom 17 4.93%
Zoomies 34 7.95%

Total Rarity Score: 458.88

Rarity: #308/1258

Bad Pets: Inkwell Odyssey #463

Collection: Bad Pets: Inkwell Oddysey

Minted a year ago by stars1w9..w0wr. Currently owned by soulsy.stars.

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