Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 290.03 kB
Size 1024x1024
Grumpy Grans and Grandads - We have earned some time to have fun!
accessories A great attitude, Blue half-framed glasses 0.14%
background Light Yellow 0.31%
body type Solid Shoulder, left side forward 22.79%
clothing Pale green-blue jumper with yellow polkadots 1.16%
hair colour Blonde 8.37%
hairstyle Loose, Curly 3.39%
head colour Pale skin 23.3%
mood In Control 14.29%

Total Rarity Score: 1180.08

Rarity: #3741/9999

Grumpy Grans

Collection: Grumpy Grans Galore

Minted a year ago by stars1vx..8kmn. Currently owned by stars1cq..gp3h.