Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 816.33 kB
Size 1424x1424
Weird Friends is a collection of unique hand drawn characters. This guy has the ability to expert in enchantments, imbues objects with magical properties, enchants allies' weapons, and creates protective wards.
age 24 1.2%
athleticism 32 0.6%
charisma 71 1.2%
charmweaving 76 0.1%
intellect 84 0.7%
luck 80 0.7%
race sorcerer 1.6%
strength 31 1%
weirdness 38 0.5%

Total Rarity Score: 1981.55

Rarity: #414/1000

GAIL #327


Minted a year ago by stars1fu..pl8c. Currently owned by nftgang.stars.